Easy and trusted onboarding. TruAlly is an open platform for Candidates and Companies to source a temporary workforce directly. Direct Sourcing. TruAlly jobs directly connect Candidate with Customer.
Easy and trusted onboarding
Be Independent, with your own Corp, or with your Employer. Customers with requirements can directly source suitable candidates from the TruAlly platform. TruAlly is an open platform for Candidates and Companies to source required Flexi or temporary workforce directly without losing against overhead and risk. Jobs posted by TruAlly connects Candidate with direct Customer.
Direct Sourcing
The win-win for Candidate and Company is to have a direct contract so that non-essential mark-ups can be avoided for in-between parties. TruAlly facilitates the direct relationship with complete openness. Be as self-employed, single person corp. or small staffing company, TruAlly enables mechanisms by which individuals can get hired on temporary assignments directly.